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1652 North Daley
United States


No, it's not an alien language and it's not a secret code. It's the Plan of Salvation, the Plan of Redemption, the Great Plan of Happiness! It's Eternity. And there you are, playing your amazing role in Act II of this three-act play. Be bold! Be awesome! And then use your shirt to explain why you do it.


This is the place where we'll talk about updates about our business, our products and our experiences sharing this idea with all of you. 


Plan of Salvation in Motion

Guest User

Howdy All, 
We have this spiffy video we put together to help explain our plan of salvation graphic. Problem is, we can't find any decent, copyright free music to go with it. We are officially asking for suggestions for any music we could use. Or, if we have any musically inclined fans, we'd be happy to promote any original works. Please let us know!