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No, it's not an alien language and it's not a secret code. It's the Plan of Salvation, the Plan of Redemption, the Great Plan of Happiness! It's Eternity. And there you are, playing your amazing role in Act II of this three-act play. Be bold! Be awesome! And then use your shirt to explain why you do it.


This is the place where we'll talk about updates about our business, our products and our experiences sharing this idea with all of you. 


Your feedback is inspiring and humbling!

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We mentioned here a few weeks ago that we sent out some customer surveys to get feedback on the products. Well, we sent out a few more, and we keep getting the most wonderful stories and experiences from so many of you! 

We just had to share some of them:

I teach the valiant 10 &11 classes. This year's lessons began with a discussion on the plan of happiness. My team teacher and I were able to use the shirt to introduce our discussion. During each part of the discussion, we have put the logo on the board and used it as a visual aid. The kids loved it and are constantly referring back to it in our lessons. It is especially rewarding when they are able to make sense of the symbols and have an "ah-ha" moment.


I gave my brother the Plan of Salvation shirt for Christmas. He put it on immediately. That evening, he proposed to his girlfriend. So a proposal occurred while this shirt was worn. Coincidence? I doubt it.


I have a seminary student that stopped coming to seminary this year. It is his senior year of high school... I have been very concerned about him. So I decided to give him one of the T-shirts as a Christmas gift. I had it wrapped and told him that once he opened it if he wasn't sure what it was to send me a text and I would share the meaning. Of course he did not, but one Sunday I saw him and asked if he was able to figure it out and he said no, so I was able to share it was the Plan of Salvation!! Teach the Plan anyway we can....


I gave this shirt to my son who is a sophomore in high school. He really wanted it. After the first day of wearing it he said he had several people ask him what it meant and was able to explain it. Great idea!!!


My 15-year-old daughter takes pride in her shirt and wears it whenever she can. We happen to live in the new Gilbert Temple District, and during the weeks of the open house, my daughter had been wearing her shirt. Finally, one of her teachers at school asked what it meant. She explained what it meant and it led to a discussion about why temples are important. This left her teacher longing for more, and so she was able to go to the temple open house and have the Spirit testify to her of God's plan for us. All of this because my daughter was able to teach a simple yet profound lesson on the Plan of Salvation from your shirt. Miracles happen all around us, and I am glad that she was able to take part in that miracle.


Growing up, my dad reviewed the Plan of Salvation with us at least a couple of times a year for Family Home Evening. When I saw your shirt, I had to share it on my family Facebook page. Everyone loved it and my older sister said it may have to be our family shirt. Sadly, my dad moved his 'You Are Here' asterisk to the next circle over on his birthday last year, but it still reminds me of the many wonderful things he taught the family. I bought one for my missionary's first birthday in the field. I can't wait for him to see it!


I thought my missionary daughter could use one to wear on P-days. She loves it and loves when people stop and ask her what it means. She was wearing it on a P-day and went into a store, the cashier asked her what it meant, they told him they could come back and share the meaning behind it, he said ok. They went back and in the end that cashier was baptized. All because of a little shirt and a missionary who wanted to share her message.

We are thrilled that people are using the shirts to hasten the Lord's good work! And we are really grateful to those who have taken a moment to share their inspiring experiences with us.

Have you had an experience with the Plan of Happiness logo? We'd love to hear about it! Please leave a comment below or on our Facebook page.