Leap Second 2015
Guest User
It has been declared many times over that one of the only things well all hold in common is time. We are all given the same amount of time everyday. In a world that is constantly growing more diverse, this one truth cannot be changed. Disproportionate amounts of time are not allowed. Extra time, it appears, is allowed.
Today, every member of the human race is given a gift, the gift of an extra second. Everyday for the past three years, and everyday for the foreseeable future, will have have 86,4000 seconds. Except for today. Today we are given 86,401!
It doesn't seem like much, as far as time goes, but it does make today rather, unique don't you think? What will you do with you extra time on such an exceptional day? What can be done in one second? Well, here is a website dedicated to capturing everyone's seconds an putting them all together on this glorious day. Enjoy!